You have been warned...
Once upon a time, I had a Ponytail Palm, an African Violet and a Peace Lily. Warning: These are gateway plants. For years, I resisted. Then I saw (drum roll please), my first Philodendron Pink Princess. Uh oh. Somehow, in the span of a year, those 3 plants turned into 33, then I gave up counting. Now my house looks like I'm losing a game of Jumanji.
Plants are cheaper than therapy, and anyone who says money can't buy happiness has clearly never been to a garden centre. I know, I know. You can't really buy happiness. But you can buy plants. And that's pretty much the same thing.
I have a problem
My name is Anna and I'm a plant addict. I blame my mum. I grew up in New Zealand, blessed with a very loving, plant-loving mum. Many a weekend involved trailing around a garden centre after my mother, with my two sisters in tow. Many orchids inside, old-fashioned scented roses outside, and everything else in-between.
I inherited my mother's love for indoor orchids. But unlike my lovely mum had at my age, without a home to call my own, living in a rental in central Auckland isn't exactly conducive to putting down roots (pun totally intended). So I got a little carried away creating my garden indoors instead.
One plant shelf quickly led to another, and another. No, I don't need fewer plants, I need more plant shelves. I've enabled my 14 year old son's addiction.. wait, I mean... I've passed my love of plants on to my 14 year old son... and now I've decided to enable your addiction too. Just think of it as therapy. You're welcome.
What's on offer...
On Love That Leaf you'll find all things plant-related. Sometimes you'll find plants too, but mainly I've got the supplies you need for your plants. Plus the advice to make indoor plant care as simple and stress-free as possible for healthier plants and a happier you.
I'm also here to offer a green helping-hand through my free plant care guides >. Please do get in touch if you have any planty questions. I'm happy to help whether you end up buying something or not (asking me for advice comes with zero obligation to buy anything).
Is that for me?
If you have planty goodies to sell I'd also love to hear from you, especially if you're local. I have a passion for New Zealand - and even when the going gets tough I feel very lucky to live in our little country. I love supporting local.
So whether something is NZ made, NZ grown, made by an NZ artist or supports a fellow NZ business, I'm all for kiwis supporting kiwis, and proud to do my bit where I can.
Thank you!
I know you are spoiled for choice these days when it comes to where to get your plant supplies. I super appreciate you choosing to buy from me. Thank you for your support :)
So that's me, this is Love That Leaf, and now it's over to you. Have a browse. Questions and suggestions always welcome. Chat soon.
From Anna @lovethatleaf