Syngonium Pixie Care Guide

Just look at this cheerful chap! We love his smaller leaves with those reptilian markings (check up the close-up leaf shots below, wow). The Syngonium podophyllum 'Pixie' is a dwarf Syngonium, so far more chill than some of his crazy Synognium cousins who like to head off in all directions and vine like mad. The Pixie is superb for wow factor in terrariums too, thanks for their smaller size and that stunning variegation with darker green 'scales' on the edges over creamy lime in the middle. Super easy care with a few simple considerations. He gets a 1.5 out of 5 LTLC Rating from us. 

Read the full care guide below...

Light & Temperature

Native to rainforests, Syngonium Pixie will grow happily without extra warmth and humidity, but give them both and they'll thrive for you. Direct light is definitely too much, but almost everything else will do the job, with medium to bright indirect light preferred. If he's in a spot with one main light source, give him a turn every week or so, or those lovely leaves will bend towards the light. The Pixie is easy when it comes to temperature too. Around 15 to 26 degrees is an ideal range.



Evenly moist is the happy place for a Syngonium Pixie. They're more forgiving than many if you're an over- or under-waterer though. Another reason they're popular in terrariums as well as potted indoors. These chaps like humidity and warmth, so tend to thrive in terrariums. They are fans of high humidity too, about 60% to 90% but will tolerate drier air if other conditions are all good. Let the top couple of cms of soil dry between watering again.

We find our Pixie adores a good mist and it helps from keeping the edges from going crispy. If you don't have a humidifier, grab a mister (we can have some on sale at the moment) and give your Pixie a good spritz on the weekly. Pop some Groconut in there too and use it for a foliage boost. 

More below about soil, pet safe, pro tips & problem solving...


The Pixie stays more compact than most. A mix of about 3/4 potting soil and 1/4 perlite or similar will do the job nicely when potted. If planted in a terrarium, make sure whatever substrate you use is free draining. With that wide temperature range, and being chill about light levels, the dormancy period for the Pixie is pretty short, so we half dose Groconut on the regular, spring, summer and autumn, just taking a break in the middle of winter when it's the coldest.


Syngonium Pixie Pro Tips & Problem Solving


Yellow leaves

A common sign of too much water. Back off a bit and water again only when the top couple of cms of soil are dry. Avoid your Pixie sitting in water. No wet feet or soggy soil.


Green or reverting leaves

If your leaves are getting more and more green, and losing that lovely cream lime middle, try a new spot. Not enough light can reduce the variegation over time. If you don't have a spot available with brighter light, you may need to accept those greener leaves or invest in a grow-light.


No growth

Syngonium Pixie is typically a great grower almost all year round. Slow or no growth can be a sign he needs re-potting. Check those roots and try a pot one size up. Ideally wait and repot in spring. If everything seems fine though and he's not root-bound, mix something like Groconut in when you water to replenish lost nutrients in the soil as they do use more than some to maintain that faster growth.


Dropping leaves or shrivelled leaves

With how fast these chaps can grow, finding dried up leaves isn't a biggie if everyone else is doing great. It's normally just older leaves that you can safely pinch off or pull out to remove. If you've been under-watering though, this can be a sign of it getting too dry between waterings. 


Brown leaves

Brown leaves in Syngonium is usually due to a reaction to a chemical the leaves don't like. Avoid spraying or wiping with leaf shine type products. Avoid spraying cleaners or room sprays near by. Mist just with water, or with water + foliage feed like Groconut. 


Dusty build-up on leaves

Dusty leaves are best sorted with a good mist or wipe down. Avoid leaf shine. We find their thinner leaves a pain in the butt to wipe down though, so we just use a mister instead (we have some on sale at the moment under 'feed & grow') and give them a good drench to get rid of the dust.


Brown tips

Usually a sign of low humidity. Try a regular leaf mist, check he's away from draughts, turn on your humidifier or use a pebble tray.


Skin irritation

If you're pruning or pinching this guy to keep his growth bushy or get rid of the occasional vine, pop a paper towel under the area and wash your hands after as they can drip an irritating sap for a while. Shouldn't cause you irritation if you wash your hands promptly after contact, but you definitely wouldn't want their sap to get in a cut, so wear gloves if you're worried.


Is the Syngonium Pixie pet safe?

Not 100% pet safe, no. Synognium can be slightly toxic, causing irritation if chewed, or vomiting if ingested. Best kept safely out of reach of pets and kids.


LTLC Rating (Love That Leaf Care Rating)

Easy peazy lemon squeazy. Well, maybe not quite level 1 easy care but we give the Syngonium Pixie a 1.5 out of 5 LTLC Rating. As long as you don't chuck him in direct light, or darkness, and remember to water him on the regular, he'll reward you with those amazing variegated reptilian leaves and lots of growth all year-round. 

PS: Check out his little brother the Synognium Mini Pixie too, so cute!